It's muddy paws that get our attention, our thoughts are on saving furniture, floors, and carpets.
We share tips for stress-free paw cleaning and 5 risks to paw health that means you should after every walk
The best way to introduce your puppy to an action that you will be performing on a regular basis is to use shaping. Shaping is the process of gradually teaching your puppy a new action or behaviour, by rewarding them during each step of the process.
‘Trust me it is far easier to teach a puppy how to have their paws checked and cleaned when that puppy is not excited and muddy after a walk’
Right now, you might be able to carry your pup from the front door to the area you are going to clean them up in but will that be practical when they are fully grown?
The next step is to think about the kit you will need.
A shallow tray filled with warm soapy water works well as an effective footbath and can be placed outside your door for an initial clean off. Take a look at the Ikea shoe mat for an easy solution.
We also like to use a paw sanitising spray like this one from PAWZ
Whatever method you decide to use be sure to dry paws or have an absorbent mat for your dog to step onto as wet paws can slip on smooth/tiled surfaces.
To start with that might be getting them used to standing on the towel and being rewarded for being on a new surface, or stepping into the foot bath without any water in. Make it a game and something fun and get them used to it before you need it! Try it at different access points into the house and if you regularly travel in the car to your walking locations practice at the side of your car in your driveway.
‘Wet flannels in a re-usable bag are handy to have in the car for a quick clean-up before the ride home’ (Take a look at our Prep'n'Go Bags-here)

Teaching a puppy to offer a paw or high five is often one of the first things we teach our pups along with a sit and a down.
So whilst you are teaching your puppy these actions consider, adding in a little paw inspection as you do it, building up to the flannel introduction then the paw wipe/ clean and dry
So apart from saving our carpets and floors why is it so important to clean our puppy’s paws

TOP TIP - from Dog First Aid Merseyside - When walking your puppy on snow or ice a thin layer of Vaseline on the pads will help protect them and gives a bit of traction too!
Look out for puddles of anti-freeze that could have leaked from a car or maybe on the ground as a result of someone topping up their car. This also applies to screen wash with antifreeze additives. If your dog’s paws are irritated then they will chew and lick at their paws. Antifreeze is extremely dangerous to puppies and dogs it can damage their kidneys and cause death even after a small amount has been licked. You should seek advice from your vet if this happens or you suspect that it has happened.
5. Finally, Alabama Rot, researchers believe that there may be a link with walking dogs in muddy areas so owners could either keep their dogs away from these areas or make sure they wash their feet after they get wet or muddy. However, t is not known what causes this so there is currently no way of preventing your dog from becoming infected. The Kennel Club has some more information on this and you could also discuss with your vet if they have seen cases in your area. Alabama Rot
Now that you have a puppy, come rain or shine, walking is going to be part of your daily routine.
Being prepared makes life easier for you and your pup. Getting them used to their paws being cleaned (even if you are reading this in the height of the summer months) will make life easier and less stressful for you both in the future.