Skooby and I loved walks, his recall was perfect, he had good manners around other dogs and yet we had a big problem.
I could not trust his behaviour when he was out alone with my Husband. He could not be off the lead as we were pretty sure he would just head back home to me. In this blog, I share our experience of using Steve Mann’s Ruck Sack walk to build their bond and how the investment in the dog/owner relationship paid off.
What you will need,
A rucksack
Harness and Long Line
Treat pouch – filled with treats
A chew
Something interesting
Two Plastic box/pots;
1. Containing an item with an interesting smell in it.
2. Something that your puppy /dog has not eaten before
A quiet location, a short drive away
15- 20 mins for you to be totally present with each other – no mobile phone or stopping to chat with people, this is your time together.
- During those 15 -20 mins for you are calm, speak in a quiet tone
Step 1.
Let your dog or puppy investigate the area as they go. If the lead becomes tight or if they run, stop until it goes slack then wander on again.
Step 2. When you are in your chosen location do a few recall games (still on the long line) but keep this within a small area. (Mr. P let Skooby wander on a loose long line then would call him back reward and then throw a treat out in another direction as soon as Skooby picked it up he would call him back, reward, and then repeat) Now move to the next step.
Open it for a couple of seconds and let them sniff. Then open it a little bit more so that they can have another sniff.
Share the experience investigating the box together building the relationship. Then slowly close the box and put it back calmly in the rucksack and zip it back up.
Step 4. Start to unzip the backpack again. Can you imagine what your dog is thinking now.. ? wow there’s more!
In Skooby’s case, it was probably wow Mr.P is a good guy to hang out with. In Steve Mann’s book Easy Peasy Puppy Squeezy ( Link) he says
‘if your dog likes hanging out with you then 90% of your problems are gone’
Now it's the turn for the ‘interesting thing’ to come out. Again, with slow movements and a low voice hold the item, gently turning it in your hands so that your puppy can sniff, and explore it. Once they have done this calmly place it back in the rucksack.
Step 5.
Whilst your puppy is enjoying the chew gently touch them to create more feel-good chemicals and closeness between you both

Step 6.
Take the same route back so that you are not coming across new smells that could distract them.
When you are back at the car, safely secure the puppy in your vehicle and head back home.
Skooby's relationship with Mr. P was was stronger after their rucksack walks.
Alongside bonding and creating your relationship with your puppy this approach is perfect for those very early walks when you are sticking to the 5 mins exercise per month of their life (to protect joints and growing bones) These photos were taken on our first rucksack walk with our Springer Spaniel pup. We are looking forward to many more!
Steve Mann goes into far more detail in his book and gives great ideas for different recall games you can play. His book Easy Peasy Puppy Squeeze is an easy and amusing read, more about the book here